Low cost, non-exam life insurance for any pre-existing condition!!!
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(C) 2014 Family Life Insurance Group, LLC
404.233.FLIG (3544)
Affordable Life Insurance
Critical Illness
Retirement Planning
FLIG Final Expense Appointment Manifesto
This agent manifesto is designed to optimize your experience as an agent by making you more efficient,
productive and ultimately more profitable by outlining standards by which all appointments should be
executed. The points included here are relevant to your actual meeting with a client. The concepts contained
here should become the way you operate in an appointment.
1. Confirm your appointments. Time is the most valuable resource we have and it should not be wasted on
those not interested or not yet ready to hear what we have to say. If the appointment is sufficiently close, less than 15 minutes, confirmation is optional.
2. Control the appointment and only introduce or emphasize products for which your client will medically
qualify. Controlling an appointment requires confidence in yourself and knowledge of the products we
sell. Avoid writing applications whose approval is doubtful based on health or affordability. i.e. writing a
term application for someone that had a stroke 3 years ago.
3. Always offer the accidental death benefit rider if available.
4. Complete the sale in a single visit. You must be prepared to pivot to a workable product if your first
choice becomes unavailable due to the client’s age, health, payment method etc…. Have access to
all of the products you are contracted to sell via a paper or electronic application. Use the FLIG
Calculator to evaluate all possible options to cover your client.
5. Once the initial sale is complete introduce the client to the primary FLIG cross-sell products, children’s
whole life and critical illness.
6. Always use the FLIG Rewards flyer to generate referrals.